Unveiling Insights: ISRO’s Analysis and Response to Chandrayaan-2’s Setback


In the realm of space exploration, setbacks are not uncommon, yet they provide invaluable opportunities for growth and learning. India’s Chandrayaan-2 mission, launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), encountered an unexpected hurdle during its lunar landing attempt. In this article, we delve into ISRO’s response to the failure of Chandrayaan 2 and the insights gained from their analysis.

The Chandrayaan-2 Mission Revisited

Chandrayaan-2 aimed to explore the Moon’s uncharted south pole region, a feat that showcased India’s technological prowess. The mission consisted of an orbiter, lander (Vikram), and rover (Pragyan), each with a specific role to play in unraveling lunar mysteries.

ISRO’s Transparent Approach

ISRO’s response to the setback was characterized by transparency and openness. They promptly shared details of the mission’s progress, challenges faced, and the outcomes of their analyses with the public. This transparent approach not only fosters public trust but also underscores ISRO’s commitment to its scientific mission.

Analyzing the Factors

ISRO conducted a comprehensive analysis to understand the factors that led to the loss of communication with the Vikram lander during its descent. The agency identified several key areas that contributed to the setback:

  1. Velocity Variations: Variations in the lander’s descent velocity, even subtle ones, could have led to an unplanned trajectory. The intricate dance of multiple engines and control systems had to be meticulously choreographed for a successful landing.

  2. Navigational Challenges: Accurate navigation is paramount in space missions. Navigational errors during the final descent phase could have caused Vikram to land off-target or even encounter hazardous lunar terrain.

  3. Environmental Considerations: The Moon’s surface is littered with craters, rocks, and uneven terrain. An unforeseen encounter with an obstacle could have disrupted the lander’s descent, potentially leading to communication loss.

  4. Communication Glitches: A breakdown in communication between the lander and the ground station, due to technical glitches or other reasons, could explain the sudden loss of contact.

ISRO’s Forward-Looking Attitude

ISRO’s response to the Chandrayaan-2 setback exemplifies their determination to learn from failure. While the mission’s lander faced challenges, the orbiter’s successful insertion into lunar orbit and ongoing data transmission are significant achievements that contribute to scientific understanding.

Lessons and Future Endeavors

The insights gained from Chandrayaan-2’s setback will undoubtedly shape ISRO’s future endeavors. Each setback serves as a catalyst for innovation and improvement. As India continues its exploration of the cosmos, the lessons learned will be instrumental in propelling future missions to success.


The Chandrayaan-2 mission, despite its setback, is a testament to India’s space exploration capabilities. ISRO’s open and transparent response not only demonstrates its commitment to learning but also showcases the resilience that defines scientific progress. As ISRO’s scientists turn setbacks into stepping stones, the nation’s journey into the cosmos continues, fueled by the spirit of exploration and the pursuit of knowledge.


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